Arts & Culture, Local Government Maya Huneidi Arts & Culture, Local Government Maya Huneidi


Part of the problem in advancing the cause of culture in government and other circles is the argument, sometimes unspoken sometimes said out loud, that the arts “business” is somehow not “real”.

The idea that, compared to catching fish or making cars, cultural activity is somehow not “work” is one which is still rampant in all too many parts of our political structures.

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Arts & Culture, Local Government Maya Huneidi Arts & Culture, Local Government Maya Huneidi

TAITMAIL A Lancashire Lack

Everyone knows by now the important role that local government plays in the cultural ecology of the country. Attention is often focused on the UK government, or more precisely the UK government in its function as funder of the arts in England. There’s lots of debate about Arts Council England, too, and the part it plays in supporting cultural activity. But local government as a whole gets less airtime. Partly this is a result of the hugely centralised media we have. If it hasn’t happened in London, it’s probably not that important.

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